Research Links of Possible Interest



Plum Island Estuary (PIE) LTER Research at the PIE LTER site.
LMER Land Margin Ecosystems Research
LTER Long-Term Ecological Research

Numerical Analysis


NetlibHuge archieve of numerical software, mostly Fortran.
Mathematical SoftwareA good set of hyperlinks to mathematical software in the public domain.
Automatic DifferentiationTools to calculate derivatives of functions from their source code.
Genetic ProgrammingProgramming techniques that use the evolution paradigm.
Mathematics Information Servers A good jumping point to mathematical sites around the world
Fortran MarketFortran stuff. Mostly commercial.

ODE Analysis

Bifucation and Nonlinear Instability LaboratorySystems analysis stuff.
AUTO Bifurcation analysis of ODE's

PDE's, Meshes, etc.

Internet Finite Element Resources A very good site on finite elements and related techniques. Links to both commercial and public domain code.
PETSc The Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation. A very nice package (understatement) for the numerical solution of PDE's.
//ELLPACK A cool package for solving eliptical PDE's using parallel computation. Don't know if it has been released yet.
DiffpackAnother cool package to solve PDE's using c++. Public domain.
LUGRFortran routines to solved general PDE's in 2D and 3D. Public domain.
MGNetSummary of work in multigrid methods.


Decision Tree for Optimization SoftwareList many different type of optimization software (mostly Fortran).
NEOS Guide: Optimization SoftwareLinks to many different types of optimization software, both public domain and commercial.
Global OptimzationA good site to global optimzation work.

Hydrodynamic Models

Coastal Ocean Modeling at the USGS Rich Signell's modeling page. Has several anaimated movies of Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bays hydrodyanmics. Very nice.
Gulf of MaineModeling work that is being conducted in the Gulf of Maine.
Princeton Ocean Model A widely used public domain ocean model. (Must contact authors to use).

Data Assimilation

DAO NASA Data Assimilation Office, NASA. Use of data assimilation mostly for improving GCM model prediction.

More Modeling links (w/o descriptions)